20 Questions: Greystone on Greystone featuring Jenna Lang and Craig Arcuri

Here at Greystone, we’ve launched a newsletter (We’d love to have you sign up here: http://eepurl.com/r3Ovf) Or, you can visit last month’s newsletter here. One of the ongoing features of our Newsletter will be a brief “interview” of one Greystone team member by another Greystone team member. This month, we feature Craig Arcuri, IT Support Tech, as interviewed by […]

20 Questions: Greystone on Greystone featuring Jesse Armstrong and Peter Melby

Here at Greystone, we’ve launched a newsletter (We’d love to have you sign up here: http://eepurl.com/r3Ovf) Or, you can visit last month’s newsletter here. One of the ongoing features of our Newsletter will be a brief “interview” of one Greystone team member by another Greystone team member. This month, we feature Greystone President Peter Melby, as interviewed by Greystone Founder […]

Microsoft Word’s “Protected View” Got You Locked Up?

By Tim Hurley, Technical Engineer Undoubtably, many of you have experienced this- a colleague emails you a Word document to edit, you download the attachment, and you’re all ready to settle in and rip this little masterpiece apart, then it happens. While this is a really nice security feature in Office 2010 or later (those […]

Greystone’s TotalRescue Business Continuity Offering

By Craig Arcuri, Network Support Technician Let’s face it… a company’s data IS their business.  Without it, they don’t know their own customers, the business they have done with them, or how anything related to company finances.  Data is what the IT industry is all about… from the latest and greatest software application to the […]

Greystone Holiday Party Review!

A holiday post by Molly Hazelrig, SEO Storyteller for Greystone Web Services Greystone Holiday Party 2013 ‘Twas the night of the Greystone party. There was a bit of chill in the air. People were checked in. And we had sweet hotel robes to wear! The hotel lobby was peppered with Greystoners and mates. But I […]

Wizard Talk (for people who don’t know how to computer…) #2

Wizard Talk For People Who Don’t Know How To Computer #2 Wizard Talk #2 by Aly Clayton, Service Experience Manager with help from Brian Pedersen, Implementations Consultant Greystone is a big ol’ team of diverse knowledge bases, and not all of us can be Technology Wizards** like our technicians and consultants – but when you […]

iOS7 – What’s New for the Enterprise

Resident Mac nerd and all-around good guy Sean Brage shares how the new iPhone operating system works in a corporate environment! iOS 7 is the latest version of Apple’s software for iPhones and iPads. It came out back in September of this year and got a lot of attention for its new look and feel. […]

The Magic of Office 365

Has this ever happened to you before?  You work on an important document all day long that you need to send to a prospective business partner by the end of the day.  Unfortunately, you forget to send it when you rush out the door at 5:00 and of course, you’re running late to your son’s […]

Greystone Named a DBJ Fastest Growing Company & What It Means To Us

Greystone was honored by the Denver Business Journal this month as one of the fastest growing private companies.  They presented our award at a nice ceremony and gave us our very own trophy. More notably, they profiled us in a special section of the paper and have been complimentary of our company culture, vision, and […]

Risky Business – Marketing Dissatisfaction by Peter Melby

From Peter Melby, President I don’t usually use this space to rant, but I’d like to share a recent experience.  As a growing organization with influence in how our clients use technology, we endure a constant barrage of sales tactics designed to get our attention and then hopefully our dollars (or our clients’ dollars).  There […]