Life & Times at Greystone Technology

Being a part of the team at Greystone Technology is about many things; finding fulfillment and intrinsic satisfaction in what we do, building meaningful connections with the people we serve as customers and team members, participating in events and activities that give back to our communities, and the list goes on. It’s summer though, so […]
Getting Shady: Planting Trees For Arbor Day.
Sounds like some shenanigans, doesn’t it? Before you dismiss it as another excuse to go hug a tree, you should turn over a new leaf and spruce up your knowledge. The holiday’s roots originated from Nebraska. This holiday has been celebrated for over 100 years and has sprouted into an international holiday. Traditionally, Arbor day […]
Giving Back: A Volunteer’s Story With a Horse Named Flo
Our Denver based Tech Engineer, Kleyda Miller, has a passion for horses and being outdoors. Below is her experience with our Volunteer Time Off (VTO) initiative with one organization in particular. In July of this year, I went with a group of Greystone employees to volunteer at Growing Colorado Kids (GCK). This unique, grassroots organization […]
Announcing $2M in funding from Cypress Growth Capital!
Peter Melby and Jesse Armstrong founded Greystone in 2001. Since that time we hit some significant milestones. The first was moving out of Jesse’s apartment and moving into a real office space. Then we acquired companies, added locations, and moved offices. In this latest evolution of Greystone, we have partnered with Cypress Growth Capital. This […]
Greystone by the Numbers – August 2016
Greystone by the Numbers is an admittedly convoluted way to introduce you to another side of our team! These brief “interviews” begin by putting everyone’s name in a numbered list and a number randomizer is used to pick 3 “chosen ones” each month. After those 3 have been chosen, they select 5 numbers from 1 to 67, each […]
Green Commuting for Colorado’s Bike-to-Work-Day 2016
June is Bike Month for the state of Colorado, and Wednesday June 22nd marked the annual Bike-to-Work-Day event. Last year there wasn’t any participation from Greystone, so I decided to take the lead, and organize this year’s ride. I am happy to report that Greystone staff joined many participants from across the state and contributed […]
Greystone by the Numbers – May 2016
Greystone by the Numbers is an admittedly convoluted way to introduce you to another side of our team! These brief “interviews” begin by putting everyone’s name in a numbered list and a number randomizer is used to pick 3 “chosen ones” each month. After those 3 have been chosen, they select 5 numbers from 1 to 67, each […]
Peter Makes the 40 Under 40 List!
We want to congratulate our President, Peter Melby, for making it on Denver Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 list. Each year, the DBJ awards a new group of 40 up and coming individuals from diverse background and industries. Over 400 nominations were sent in by friends and colleagues for 218 candidates before narrowing it down to […]
Greystone by the Numbers – March 2016 Edition!
Greystone by the Numbers is an admittedly convoluted way to introduce you to another side of our team! These brief “interviews” begin by putting everyone’s name in a numbered list and a number randomizer is used to pick 3 “chosen ones” each month. After those 3 have been chosen, they select 5 numbers from 1 to 67, each […]
Greystone By The Numbers – February 2016
Greystone by the Numbers (our first 2016 edition!) is an admittedly convoluted way to introduce you to another side of our team! These brief “interviews” begin by putting everyone’s name in a numbered list and a number randomizer is used to pick 3 “chosen ones” each month. After those 3 have been chosen, they select 5 numbers from 1 to […]