Denver vs. Carolina, You Pick Who Wins

Due to our love of the Denver Broncos, football and competition, Peter Melby and the Greystone team have a history of placing wagers (especially against Patriot fans). So when our designer and friend Josh Emrich told us about a design competition against Carolina, our Super Bowl 50 opponents, we knew we had to accept the […]

The Team Interviews Gary Aronhalt

Last week was bittersweet here at Greystone, as we said our goodbye’s to our (now former)  Director of Business Relations, Gary Aronhalt.  Gary joined the Greystone team in 2008 and (despite an 18 month hiatus) he has had a huge impact here at Greystone from his role as a Support Tech to his role as a Director. […]

End of Year VTO Raffle – The winners!

Greystone has a volunteer time off (VTO) initiative that gives employees up to three paid days off a year to volunteer at an non-profit of their choosing.  Greystone also donates $50 to each non-profit for every day a staff member volunteered.  This past year, we also had an internal, friendly “competition” going where employees would […]

Don’t Let Your New Year’s Resolution Ruin You!

Each year, all of us make a new year’s resolution in the hopes of bettering our lives and ourselves. Have you ever set a new year’s resolution and actually stuck to it? Nope. Me neither. Failing on these resolutions are not mere disappointments, but can create emotional wounds that impact our psychological well-being. What is […]

Giving Back & Gaining Perspective

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” When my best friend passed away, I knew that I did everything I could to keep her as comfortable as possible throughout her last weeks of life. To her, this meant hours of devoted company, laughing endlessly, feeling special with […]

Greystone by the Numbers- December 2015

Greystone by the Numbers (our last 2015 edition) is an admittedly convoluted way to introduce you to another side of our team! These brief “interviews” begin by putting everyone’s name in a numbered list and a number randomizer is used to pick 3 “chosen ones” each month.  After those 3 have been chosen, they select 5 numbers from 1 […]

Lending a Hand at Urban Peak

One of the initiatives I love here at Greystone is volunteer time off (VTO).  Staff members are given up to 3 days of leave to volunteer at organizations of their choice.  It’s one of my duties to spearhead this initiative. It can be hard for some staff to take a whole day off to volunteer, […]

Office Time vs. Vacation Time

I’ve heard it said that the ancient Greeks had two words or concepts for time: Chronos and Kairos. Chronos time is the never-ending march of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries and millennia. Chronos is unrelenting and unforgiving. Chronos is deadlines and appointments. Chronos was later personified as an old man, hunched […]

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