Greystone’s Adventure of the Month: September 2013

Adventure of the Month: Summiting Mount Princeton and Huron Peak By Jeff Bush, Technology Consultant  Last month, one of the hiking adventures my friends and I experienced was summiting (making it to the very top of) Mt. Princeton and almost to the summit of Huron Peak in one day. Mt. Princeton has an elevation of […]

Greystone in Australia!

By Mike McManus, Consultant We upgraded one of our clients, Change Labs, to SharePoint 2013 in July.   They are a very cool client that is based out of Australia and is host to Australia’s leading financial literacy program.  Change Labs is a very fast moving and fun company that wants to change the world and […]

Bringing Young Ameritowne into the 21st Century

A guest post by Tim Hurley, Technical Engineer… By the time this article reaches your inboxes, I will no longer be “the new guy.” Hopefully. I started at Greystone mid-May, working with Bobby Sowder as his Technical Engineer. I’ve gotten to know most of our clients over the past four weeks, and Young Americans Center […]

Greystone in Nepal!

The following is something of a “personal” post written by Greystone’s Client Relationship Manager, Gary Aronhalt.  Recently, Gary traveled to Nepal and took the time to visit a Greystone client in a far away land… iDE (formerly “International Development Enterprises” – is an international not-for-profit organization based here in Denver, CO, and they’ve been […]

Choosing a RAID Solution

In the article below, Troy Sniff and Mike McManus, two of our IT Consultants, describe some of the basics around RAID storage inside of a server.  Enjoy! Choosing a RAID Solution By Troy Sniff + Mike McManus, IT Consultants Before you can delve into the specifics of choosing a RAID solution, you need to know […]

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