Finding Focus in the Age of Interruption
How do we get work done when the tools we rely on for productivity also deliver constant interruption? This is the first in a series of posts about regaining focus and driving productivity. Look for more tools and strategies each Monday! I am in Orlando at a technology conference in a room filled with 400 computer geeks. Who says Greystone doesn’t know how […]
Denver vs. Carolina, You Pick Who Wins
Due to our love of the Denver Broncos, football and competition, Peter Melby and the Greystone team have a history of placing wagers (especially against Patriot fans). So when our designer and friend Josh Emrich told us about a design competition against Carolina, our Super Bowl 50 opponents, we knew we had to accept the […]
Broncos vs. Patriots – A football wager to benefit veterans
Greystone by the Numbers-November 2015
Greystone by the Numbers is an admittedly convoluted way to introduce you to another side of our team! These brief “interviews” begin by putting everyone’s name in a numbered list and a number randomizer is used to pick 3 “chosen ones” each month. After those 3 have been chosen, they select 5 numbers from 1 to 67, each corresponding […]