Last week Greystone Technology had the opportunity to attend Denver SharePoint Fest 2017 at the Colorado Convention Center. SharePoint Fest is an annual event held around the United States that allows SharePoint administrators, software developers, information architects and power users to learn how to leverage SharePoint in their current environments whether that be on-premise SharePoint or Office 365.

As usual, it was a very popular event with over 300 registered attendees! It was great connecting with fellow SharePoint users & administrators, and we had some engaging conversations around where Microsoft is taking SharePoint and Office 365.

Key Takeaways:

Communication sites take the smaller group conversations of Team Sites and opens it up across the organization. Through its connection with SharePoint in Office 365, communication sites surfaces content in SharePoint home, in Office 365 and SharePoint mobile to all users with access. End users will have the ability to quickly see company news/recent hires and company events no matter what device they are using.

Many exciting changes are coming to SharePoint & Office 365 over the next six months, and it was great to be surrounded by others to share in that excitement! Thank you to all the speakers for sharing your knowledge. We look forward to continuing our conversations around the future of SharePoint.

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