How to use Office 365 to Perfect Your Customer Experience

We have entered the age of the rapid commoditization of everything. Competitive differentiators built on new products or features only last a short time before being copied by competitors, leading to a race to the bottom for prices. There is one thing that is difficult to copy: the customer experience. Companies like Zappos, Nordstrom, and Disney have created […]

SharePoint Fest 2017

Using SharePoint to drive collaboration and business productivity

Last week Greystone Technology had the opportunity to attend Denver SharePoint Fest 2017 at the Colorado Convention Center. SharePoint Fest is an annual event held around the United States that allows SharePoint administrators, software developers, information architects and power users to learn how to leverage SharePoint in their current environments whether that be on-premise SharePoint or […]

SharePoint Online: Improvements to Admin Center

During the BUILD ’17 conference, Microsoft announced some significant changes to the SharePoint admin center within Office 365. From the homepage, you will notice a much cleaner interface, along with interactive usage reports. Microsoft is also releasing a Service Health Dashboard that is tuned to the needs of SharePoint administrations based on their workflows and […]

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