Top Cybersecurity Concerns for Businesses in 2021

The changes and impacts on our day-to-day lives due to the challenges of this past year are something that as a society we are still working on understanding. However, one thing that is abundantly clear after 2020 is that in both our day-to-day lives and in business we are all increasingly reliant on technology. What […]
2021 Best of Colorado Business Choice Awards

Greystone Technology is running for two different Best of Colorado Business awards this year, and we would be honored and humbled if you would consider voting for us. We are running in the IT Services, and Web Development Catagories. We also are privileged to work with other incredible Colorado companies which is why we will […]
Year End Highlights

As a company, we are constantly analyzing our own efforts to pinpoint areas we can improve in. We do this in order to continue building on what it means to provide the most effective IT period. However, in a year with unique challenges, we would like to take a moment to highlight some of our […]
Greystone Technology launches MSP Stimulus Pledge, challenges IT providers to join job protection mission

For Immediate Release – April 21, 2020 – Greystone Technology Colorado-based managed IT services provider, Greystone Technology, is challenging IT Service Providers across America to commit to a strong economy and job protection values when using stimulus funds. The MSP Stimulus Pledge ( is a collective of peers and competitors in the IT Services industry […]
Need to cut costs? Learn how to redo your entire IT budget in a week.

“I’m told I need more IT security and management yet I have no choice but to cut costs. What do I do?” Business was humming along, budgets were expanding, and 2020 growth projections were inspiring entrepreneurs at the start of the year. A few months later and most businesses are cutting back, reassessing, and redoing […]
Maybe IT wasn’t completely wrong

Not too long ago, business leaders had to go to IT to get new software approved and installed. Now, enterprise grade business applications are a Google search and credit-card swipe away. And the quality and variety are outstanding! Want to get your team collaborating and reduce the volume of email? A quick web search will […]
Three Reasons IT Departments Are Struggling to be Relevant

Abrasively offensive? Humorously inept? Out of touch? Which vision do you think of when you think of the “IT guy”? I’ve had countless conversations in my career with people who feel the IT stereotypes are very accurate. I’ve heard story after story of the IT people who just don’t get it. It’s important to understand […]