The Ongoing Battle against Ignorance, Part II
The Ongoing Battle against Ignorance, Part II or How I Learned to Stop Fearing and Love Backups by Travis Ogle, Service Coordinator I have always considered myself a (at least fairly) well-informed person. That all changed when I began working here at Greystone. I know now that I am one of the cohorts of the […]
Greystone’s “Correspondent” for c|net’s 2014 Consumer Electronics Show
Greystone’s Molly Hazelrig wishes she could’ve gone to CES2014 in person, but had to settle (this year!) for observing the annual event through various social media feeds and news outlets. Here’s what she found… I heart gadgets. I do. Why? Because their goal, their sole purpose, is to make my life easier. And I think […]
By Lohr Childs, Service Coordinator I am part of a group within Greystone that has low basis/knowledge of technology and every month we learn more about what the medium we are working in does, and how it works, and what causes the errors we see. As someone who sees a lot of errors go past, […]
Microsoft Word’s “Protected View” Got You Locked Up?
By Tim Hurley, Technical Engineer Undoubtably, many of you have experienced this- a colleague emails you a Word document to edit, you download the attachment, and you’re all ready to settle in and rip this little masterpiece apart, then it happens. While this is a really nice security feature in Office 2010 or later (those […]
Greystone’s TotalRescue Business Continuity Offering
By Craig Arcuri, Network Support Technician Let’s face it… a company’s data IS their business. Without it, they don’t know their own customers, the business they have done with them, or how anything related to company finances. Data is what the IT industry is all about… from the latest and greatest software application to the […]
Wizard Talk (for people who don’t know how to computer…) #2
Wizard Talk For People Who Don’t Know How To Computer #2 Wizard Talk #2 by Aly Clayton, Service Experience Manager with help from Brian Pedersen, Implementations Consultant Greystone is a big ol’ team of diverse knowledge bases, and not all of us can be Technology Wizards** like our technicians and consultants – but when you […]
iOS7 – What’s New for the Enterprise
Resident Mac nerd and all-around good guy Sean Brage shares how the new iPhone operating system works in a corporate environment! iOS 7 is the latest version of Apple’s software for iPhones and iPads. It came out back in September of this year and got a lot of attention for its new look and feel. […]
Dongles and You: Google’s Chromecast
By Adam McDonald, IT Consultant For many of our technicians finding the right solution to a client’s issue can be a tricky task. Audio visual setups for conference rooms and meeting areas can be among the most challenging of all. Projectors, laptops, and content like high-def video all require their own specific connections to work […]
Wizard Talk (for people who don’t know how to computer…) #1
Wizard Talk For People Who Don’t Know How To Computer #1 by Aly Clayton and Brian Pedersen I work at a technology company but I only have a very vague idea of what a server does. As a Service Coordinator, my job is typically about communication, organization, and quick responses – so I don’t usually […]
Backup Solutions for Personal Use
By Daniel Ross, Technical Engineer All too often, people don’t realize the importance of having a good backup plan for all of their digital files until after suffering a massive data loss. While most companies have a backup that is automated for the users, such as Greystone’s Total Rescue offering, you may not have something at […]