Finding Opportunity in the Cloud: Platform-as-a-Service

PaaS cloud computing services

In our previous post we talked through the most basic form of cloud computing services, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). In this post, we’ll discuss the next level of cloud computer services, Platform-as-a-Service. What is Platform-as-a-Service Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) is a cloud-based environment that comes with everything required to support web-based applications. The PaaS vendor provides networking equipment, server hardware, and […]

Finding Opportunity in the Cloud: Infrastructure-as-a-Service

Cloud computing with infrastrucutre-as-a-service

In our first post in the Finding Opportunity in the Cloud series, we defined what “The Cloud” is. Now that we know what cloud is, we’ll dig into the types of cloud computing services. There are three types of cloud service, each meeting the specific requirements of different types of business problems. The first type […]

Finding opportunity in the cloud

finding opportunity in the cloud

The Cloud. Even for an industry rife with hyperbole and marketing abuses, “The Cloud” stands out as one of the most inflated and misunderstood concepts in technology. Unfortunately, this misinformation leads to businesses making poor decisions about how, when, and why to implement cloud computing. In this series of blog posts, we’ll help to clarify […]

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