Greystone by the Numbers is an admittedly convoluted way to introduce you to another side of our team! These brief “interviews” begin by putting everyone’s name in a numbered list and a number randomizer is used to pick 3 “chosen ones” each month. After those 3 have been chosen, they select 5 numbers from 1 to 65, each corresponding to a question which was unbeknownst to them. What happens next…is for your reading pleasure.
Here are the “Chosen Ones” for July 2015!

Molly Hazelrig, SEO Storyteller
If you found $100 on the ground, what would you do with it?
Look around and see if I could figure out who the money belonged to. If not, I would use it to buy gifts for the kiddos I volunteer with at Alternatives to Violence. Or donate it to Pets Forever.
What song do you love to sing in your car?
I am using the term “sing” very loosely here, but I would say “Renegade” by Styx. If not that, then “Fat Bottom Girls” by Queen.
Where would you like to go that is “off the beaten path?”
I consider Colorado my home, but I don’t think I have even scratched the surface for all the areas that can be explored here. Grant (our Digital Marketing Manager), just told me about a place called Marble, CO that seems pretty amazing. I think it might be fun to check that out.
What scares you in the dark?
Creepy crawlies and things that burrow under your skin. Side note: Those creep me out in the light of day, too.
What is your alter ego’s name?
If we were going by the porn star, first pet/first street name rules, it would be Hooter Schneck, but I have been given a bunch of others over the years. I think Spazz-elrig is pretty spot on.
Jaime Canfield, Technical Project Manager
What is the unhealthiest thing you have eaten?
It’s called “The Goat,” my own creation. It’s a cheese burger with grilled cheese sandwiches as the buns, with shaved turkey, onion rings, bacon, 1000 island dressing, extra cheese and fried eggs. Soooo good. I didn’t move for a day after eating it though.
What food reminds you of your childhood?
Spaghetti and marinara. I grew up in an Italian family and I eat pasta 4-5 times a week.
What nickname(s) do you have?
Stormy, The stormchild, Stormy James. Let’s just say that I knew how to have a good time in high school and college.
What acronym is most overused at work?
LOL. Seriously. LOL.
If you were a police officer for one day, what would you do with the authority?
Make sure everyone used their blinkers while drive and didn’t use their cell phones (while driving) either. Ugh.
Eric Rolph, IT Consultant
Would you rather live for 6 months in a light house, accessible only by a 3 mile boat ride, or live 6 months in the most crowded room of a youth hostel?
I am perfectly happy being alone or in a crowded room. I’ve done the youth hostel thing, traveling along the west coast for several months from Washington to Mexico and several weeks in Europe, but I’ve never done the Thoreau-like experience of immersing myself for an extended time with simple living. So, let’s try 6 months in a light house and see if I can come away with a transcendental experience.
What scares you in the dark?
The extra-ordinary chance that I might stumble across an extra-terrestrial. I know they’re not real, but I’d hate to be the one who found out they were living among us.
What is your favorite season and why?
I like spring and fall because they embody the eternal change of life and it’s pretty.
Where would you like to go that is “off the beaten path?”
I would like to spend more time in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. I’ve been there on several week-long excursions. I love it because there are no trails, you make your own way. It’s about as remote as one can get without being in the middle of the ocean.
What nickname(s) do you have?
E and Rolphi.