10 people + 20 brews + 1 hour = a really great Friday late afternoon at Greystone.
We each chose beers for sampling and thus commenced the judging. Some were odd, some were familiar, some were hard to forget, and some left you clamoring for more.
The least favorite? Hands down this went to Rogue Farms OREgasmic Ale. The notes for this one were consistent across the board: It tastes like soy sauce. So, maybe if we were supping on some Asian fare, it would have fared better.
The favorites of the day were the Vanilla Porter from Breckenridge Brewery and the Milk Stout Nitro from Left Hand Brewing, both of which were Corbin’s offerings and both are from two great Colorado breweries.
While these winning libations are on the darker side, they were both incredibly smooth, slightly sweet, and delightful. Jenna’s pick, Samuel Smith’s Organic Cider, was a close runner up and lost by only one point.
Thanks to Lindsey for providing the beer tasting guidelines and Megan for snapping some great shots of the brews. Here are the complete results.